Pearlappetite Dallah

Pearlappetite Dallah.

Craft By Patric Rozario  

The Coffee Pot (Dallah) is the the symbol of hospitality in the Arab world. Each country or regional in the Middle East has its own design of the Dallah. He work and live in Doha, Qatar. Any visit to a Qatari home is always commenced with an offer of coffee. Traditionally in the olden days, the coffee boy would be a deaf person, who is unable to hear the conversation. Pearlappetite serves as a narrative of the Arab people.

He buys plain ceramic, porcelain or glass plates. I paint the coffee pot (Dallah) onto the plate – using glass or porcelain paint. Once dried, embed gems, semi-precious pearls and Swarovski Crystals onto them. Each piece is signed by me.

Pearlappetite is envisioned to be an art collection for anyone who has the appetite to be a part of the beauteous nature of pearls. It is my offer to their glory to present pearls as art on plates.  All of my creations have one common element – Pearls; praised by seafarers as Mermaids Jewels, they are the jewels on my art.

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